
Various healing methods

I will record it.What is healing?There are many different kinds of healing, as explained by various experts.For now, I a...

About physical disabilities

The title may sound a little harsh, but please understand that I'm not trying to be discriminatory. It's mostly a questi...

About Ho’o Pono Pono

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian word meaning “to make things right or harmonize”. It is a spiritual technique that has been u...

The trigger was a certain book

When I was in elementary school, I used to go to a shop that sold art supplies, and they also had this book on display Q...

To those who are creating a large number of accounts

There are various reasons, and it's not uncommon to have a few accounts, so I don't think anything of it (I also have a ...

Even if you’re allowed to live however you like, there are limits to everything

In this article, I explained the “stages of learning”, but I think that during the process of learning to communicate wi...

The reason I was born a poor talker

I'm writing this remembering the time when I was asked “Are you aiming to become a full-time employee?” when I first sta...

I like people who are doing their best and want to support them

People who work hard enough to be able to request appraisals and healings are good, but some people really don't have th...

Requested stories

If there is something you want me to make or draw, I will accept it, depending on the content.↑ Incidentally, in the pas...

Talking about the movies I’ve seen

I am a person who doesn't go to the movies often and never go to see the same movie several times.Maybe once or twice a ...