A time when regulations are becoming stricter and stricter due to the egos of humans


*Past articles have been duplicated and republished.

A story about being played by Furimu.

I had heard that the application process has become stricter than before, but now even a slight expression of bloodshed is not allowed? I was surprised.

When I applied, this came up and I thought “Oh, this is impossible, isn’t it? But there are some grotesque and grotesque things here and there that I have posted in the past…….but the reason seems to be because of the pasting of external links. Also, is it the user’s fault? (random)

So, doesn’t that mean that new horror games are almost impossible to get through now? (Like a soft expression).

It seems that only the creators who are currently on FuriMu will allow it.


In the end, permission was not granted.

The email was deleted and there was no picture.

I gave up on the suspense itself and there was nothing to correct. Well, it can’t be helped… Is it out of line to be angry here? It’s my own fault. (It doesn’t matter here, so I guess it can’t be helped…)

I wish pixiv would do the same.

It is up to the individual to work hard, and if someone complains, “You don’t know anything,” from my point of view,I would say, ” I don’t know anything.

I mean, the more they complain, the more excuses they give. Let’s just accept it as it is without making excuses.


Recently, when I watch movies on Amapura, I don’t choose grotesque movies anymore. I don’t feel anything in particular because I watch them as nothing (it’s too fake), but if I want to protect my mind, it’s safe to avoid such things.



But if I still want to draw something, I will draw it. Most of what I do is done with something in mind.

This time I wrote about something like “living,” but as the saying goes, “A child who is hated is a child who is afraid to die,” there are people who are not allowed to be born but are not allowed to live, although they should not think so. This is where the story came from. (This is my personal subjective opinion).llowed to live, even though we shouldn’t think so. This was a story from the “I am a person who is not afraid to be born. (This is my personal and subjective opinion.)

電波に乗せた不思議な出逢い たまたまイラスト描ける同僚と「ゲーム作らない?」って話になって(たまたまじゃなく職場で色々あった)息抜きがてら作成したやつ。 初めてやるもんだからわからないことだらけだったけどこれがきっかけでノベコレを知ることに
