What happens when you live in a fictional world


Some people may not be aware of it, but people are creatures who like to hide things.

I know you don’t have to say what you don’t want to say, but this is the kind of thing that makes you look good on the outside, but at home you’re pretending to be a moral harasser, or your marriage is over, but you show it off on Instagram in a sparkling way.

People who live quite disconnected from reality eventually get ripped off.

I guess it’s all good as long as it’s good now.

Those who say, “I’m an angry person” are more likely to have a temper, while those who say, “I live a loose life” are more likely to be in a hurry for something.

They may post pictures of themselves eating lavish meals to show that they are “living like this,” but in reality they are so stressed out that when they go to the hospital for a checkup, their numbers are elevated and they are unhealthy.

You should think that people who change their faces from place to place too often are a bit bankrupt in their lives. Or perhaps it is because they know they are bankrupt that they indulge in fiction.

I think it’s outdated to want to be “someone” on social media nowadays.←You can’t get there without perseverance and good sense.

People with low self-esteem do it because the boundary between self and others is blurred. They may have done it because they wanted a change from the days when they were not happy, but if they do it because they don’t have much experience and can’t have a proper conversation with others, they will eventually destroy themselves.

It’s quite troublesome to point out that they tend to engage in unintelligible justifying behavior, and I think that’s why they don’t get rewarded for it. Besides, I think they become sexist and controlling as soon as they get desperate!

If you can’t compete with the original, it’s safer not to do it in the first place. And no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to compete with those who are producing original work.

But if you are not young enough, it may be difficult. If you don’t want to expose your true self, you are aware that you are harmful to others.

Still, that’s a little better than people who aren’t aware of what they’re doing. It is better to live as honestly as possible.

If you want to live alone, do what you want.
