Various healing methods


I will record it.

What is healing?

There are many different kinds of healing, as explained by various experts.
For now, I asked AI.

Healing is a general term for methods and techniques for restoring balance to the mind and body, and for treatment. There are various forms of healing, including meditation, music, and energy regulation.

The aim of healing is to draw out the power of the mind and body to recover naturally. It is said to have the effect of reducing stress and providing a sense of security, and is also said to have the effect of boosting immunity and natural healing power.

The word ‘healing’ comes from the Greek word ‘holos’, which means ‘whole’. It has the same meaning as the English word ‘whole’.

In Japan, the word ‘healing’ is strongly associated with alternative medicine and treatments by spiritualists, and it is mainly used by people with spiritual beliefs.

In other countries, too, where there is a strong culture of indigenous beliefs, various methods and qualifications have been developed and spread due to the presence of magical and sorcerous elements, such as exorcisms. The work involved in healing is called ‘healing’.

A healer is a profession that heals customers by harnessing the energy of the universe and the energy of life.

Also, healing is sound. Another way of putting it is that it is “1/f fluctuation (1/f fluctuation)”.

As long as we live on this planet, we will inevitably have to live with matter, and for those who don’t understand this concept, they will not believe it unless there is convincing evidence.
That’s why scientists like Einstein studied so hard and came up with this term. I’m grateful for that.
However, if you have a narrow perspective and knowledge but no intelligence, you will end up thinking in a rigid way. Otherwise, vaccines wouldn’t be born… Whoa, I almost went off on a tangent there.

‘1/f fluctuation’ refers to rhythms and patterns that are often seen in nature, music and pleasant experiences. Specifically, it refers to phenomena and waveforms that have a balanced fluctuation that is neither regular nor completely random.

The term “1/f” refers to the fact that it has an inverse proportional relationship with frequency, so the higher the frequency, the smaller the fluctuation, and the lower the frequency, the larger the fluctuation. This characteristic can be seen in the babbling of rivers, the sound of the wind, and the swaying of trees in nature, and it is known that these sounds have a relaxing effect on humans. It is also incorporated into music and works of art, and is an element that evokes a sense of comfort.

Since “1/f fluctuation” can also be seen in the rhythm of human heartbeats and breathing, it is thought that being exposed to this rhythm can have a relaxing effect and improve concentration.

Where did it originally come from?

Healing from three planets that existed long, long before the birth of the Earth…
It is about the disturbance of qi, which causes the subtle vibration of spirits and chakras.
It is something that creates the movement of spiritual energy in the spiritual world, the mental world, and natural phenomena through the movement of spirits and astral bodies.
It is something that approaches the mind.
Healing that was used as a treatment during war. Healing that was used on a daily basis on a certain planet and was nothing special.
If you were to give a scientific explanation, I think it would be similar to “1/f fluctuation”.
Or, to put it another way, professional acupuncturists and moxibustionists would call it divine power, or they might call it the “etheric body”, the “astral body”, the “mental body”, the “causal body”… oh, there’s no end to it!
There also seems to be another name for out-of-body experience called “astral projection”.
Well, if you try hard and do some research, you’ll find out. Like Einstein, if you spend time and study hard, you’ll understand, but there are people who can’t spend all their time on this, so…
Sometimes, simplicity is necessary.

The ability from the galaxy to Earth

After all, this is Earth, a world of material things. It is not only for those with souls from outer space to use, but to have them taught.
Through the accumulation and effort of this, you can acquire the ability to be original. Even if you use tools.
That’s fine, but there are also those with light abilities and those with dark abilities.

The matchmaking type

There are various types of healing, but this one is just as scary as the money-making one. It’s the matchmaking healing. Let’s analyze it. Be careful of the content, which means a forced connection, not just a push. If you really look at this, you’ll see a butterfly flying away

I don’t think people with mental problems or arrogant natures can do it, but I suddenly thought that maybe there are people who can do it…
I also have a lot of desire to promote professionals, but
I can’t be too proactive because there is a risk.
So, I will introduce them slowly when the timing is right.
Because they are invisible, there is a risk that recommending anything that cannot be proven will have the opposite effect.
Even if I can’t do it with everyone, I want to spread it, even if it’s just a little at a time.

Now, let’s talk a little about healing that approaches the heart.

I think that things that deal with these emotions can be used for evil.

Things that approach the body by finely adjusting the disturbance of qi by vibrating the spirit body and chakras, etc., are dangerous if you use white magic,
I think that things that approach this emotion are dangerous, and could even make the other person sink into a swamp, even if they’re not something that transfers energy.
Well, like when a host makes a guest dependent?
It’s a kind of healing that motivates people, but if it’s originally from the galaxy, what kind of feelings would it make the target person feel?

What if it’s something that gives people a powerful sense of euphoria?

It would be scary to have your mood lifted up, wouldn’t it? It’s normal to think it’s suspicious (even more so if it’s done remotely).
Even so, this would be good if both parties had the same feelings and could cooperate with each other, but it wouldn’t be something that would be directed at someone who wasn’t mentally independent.
If it’s used as a demon, it would be something that manipulates people skillfully using sweet words, or has a pleasant voice… I wonder if it actually exists. (If that’s the case, the person will be depleted and always seeking salvation from someone, so they will end up living like an energy vampire).
So, things like this are not something that can be handled proactively, so I think it would be good if the people of Earth who can use them correctly taught them to others.
At a certain distance.
That’s why I think that the spirits of certain planets tend to be a little quiet. I don’t know…

I recommend self-healing

You shouldn’t try to heal others unless you’ve got yourself in order.
I’m not sure if it’s the same as meditation, but if you can do your own healing, please do so.
You can acquire this power through the power of protection. (I think that if you live a proper life, you will be able to do so.)
Sometimes I see people saying that planets don’t matter, but I think that’s because they don’t know, but if the galaxy disappears one day… then that might be the case.
There are people who talk about star seeds and other things here and there to make an appeal, but the main characters are the people of Earth. If we use them correctly, won’t we one day no longer need things from the galaxy?
Your own unique healing will be born and grow.

スピリチュアル基本|★アトリエ ホシキラ★Atelier Hoshikira|note
ヒーリングやチャネリング、霊能など スピリチュアル業界でおかしな妄想劇となっている事柄を、現実的に日常的に活用していただく為の知識を集めたマガジン

If you want to know, go to a professional.

Well, I think it’s still difficult. On Earth today… there are still not many people who are well-rounded, to be honest.


If you think too much, there are probably people who won’t accept these kinds of non-materialistic opinions.

I think it’s probably close. I think it’s better to look at it from a little distance.
But the universe is amazing, isn’t it? I felt again that humans can never be perfect, but the universe is exceptional.
*Please don’t take this too seriously as it is just my personal opinion.
