Refine your senses and you will expand your range of colors


This is just a rambling article that doesn’t mean I want you to know what colors suit you. And I’m not recommending cosmetics.

At the time, I liked blue-toned colors, but I felt like my eyeshadow somehow didn’t match, so I took a personal color diagnosis, which was somewhat of a fad.

I decided to have my hair colored like JoJo’s Bucharati, and I thought, “Maybe it doesn’t match somehow? I thought, “Maybe it doesn’t match my hair color.

Circa 2019.

These colors fade quickly and fleetingly. ・・・・ They were beautiful until they fell off perfectly, though. (I did manage to maintain it with purple shampoo, but it was short-lived…)

What is personal color?

Just as different people have different skin, eye color, and hair color and texture, different colors suit different people. The color that suits the color of your body that you were born with is called “personal color.

If you wear a color with a tone that suits you, you will look attractive.

It is not a story that can be simply put away with two types of people, Yellow-base and blue-base.

I don’t know if it’s still in vogue now, but a few years ago it was a boom. I don’t know if it’s still popular now, but it was a boom a few years ago, and the number of people doing business with it increased dramatically.

It’s hard to diagnose just 4 types. Well, I think it’s natural. There are so many colors, from dark to light.

WEB色見本 原色大辞典 - HTMLカラーコード

As you can see from this site, it means you have to know all the colors to deal with all the ethnic groups in the world.

A great variety of tones. From light to dull colors. I am yellow-based, but not deep colors, really light colors.

There’s also face type and personal design, but to be honest, it’s hard to know them all

What, color is not enough! There is also something called face type or personal design.

【公式】顔タイプ診断チャート - あなたの似合う服と印象がわかる

I don’t need to know everything, and I don’t think I need to hear “my face type is feminine” every time I say or hear it, or I don’t think I need to know everything if I know to some extent what suits me. (They are quite expensive.)

People rely on everything. It’s important to distinguish between the two, because there are things you don’t know unless you distinguish them, but sometimes it’s more accurate to trust your own senses.

パーソナルデザイン | パーソナルカラー&スタイル いろ結い(いろゆい)
パーソナルデザインとは   パーソナルデザインとは、ファッション理論の一つ。 - 似合うデザイン - つまりあなたに似合うファッション・テイスト分析です。 最大の特徴は、お顔

I had my personal color and personal design diagnosed as well,

Definitely the fashionable type!‘ I was told!



They say that shiny skin tones don’t match, lamé doesn’t match, muddy yellowish colors look good, but fashion looks better with a little flair. What combination? I wondered.


Characteristics: Strong presence and powerful first impression
Type:Sharp, flamboyant, and individualistic, which suits you well
What suits them:
Novel and unique fashions that make the most of their individuality, prominent accessories, extreme decorations
What does not suit: Safe, small, plain and simple clothes
Female celebrities: Ryoko Yonekura, Nanao, Anne, Yuka Itaya, Kou Shibasaki, Uno Kanda, Makiko Esumi, Shima Iwashita
Male celebrities:
Takashi Sorimachi, Tetsuji Tamayama, Masanobu Takashima, Hiroshi Abe, Ryo Ishikawa, Ken Matsudaira, Ken Watanabe… (titles omitted)

I was a little disappointed when I was told that I like lame and that pale “dull” colors go with it, but then I realized this is where my love of embellishment comes from. I guess I like leopard print heels.

It’s kind of Sirius-esque lol.

Basically, I don’t like to be in vogue and wear the same thing as everyone else, so I don’t think I’d want to have a collection right away, and when I find something I like, I just buy it.

Where did all these colors, fashions and personality tests come from?Simply put, it is from space.

Cosmology. So we are projecting our consciousness. That’s why it’s quite natural for people to be different.

It’s important to try things to get to know yourself, and you may learn something if you try. Don’t get too carried away and plan accordingly.

Let’s try to guess by our own senses without diagnosis!

I mean, it’s usually very expensive. w I’m sure there are cheaper places.

I think if you know what colors are available, you can understand them by honing your own senses without having to get a direct diagnosis.

Like you can understand foundation without having to do testers? (Some people aren’t very good at hygiene.)

Not only this, try to refine your five senses: ⭐︎

What is your unique color?

The end.
