Even if you’re allowed to live however you like, there are limits to everything

鑑定やヒーリングに依頼を出来る程働いてる人は良いのですが、中には本当に稼ぐ能力がない・お金を手に入れてもすぐ使い切る人がいます。 それ以前の問題なのでどうにも言えないし、人にはそういう理由があってそういう生き方になってるということ。幸も不幸

In this article, I explained the “stages of learning”, but I think that during the process of learning to communicate with family members who are related to you by blood and learning to communicate with other people,
your defenses are weak
and you are more likely to be taken advantage of by the dark side.

人類にとって非常に根深い因縁またはカルマの法則について。 この世はカルマを背負って生きてると言ってもいい 因果の法則をわかりやすく言えば原因と結果の法則。過去に作った何らかの原因の為に、未来の結果は決まるという法則性です。自然の法則とも言え

So, people who can learn in a straightforward way can accumulate virtue, and their spirituality will increase, making it easier for them to be protected. And even if they are led into a little darkness, they can bounce back.
I think that it is inevitable that crime is more likely to occur in places with poor public safety, because darkness attracts more darkness, and
if it’s good for you, you don’t care about the people around you
I think it’s only natural that you won’t improve no matter how long you wait.
What would you think if someone who was born less often than you was more capable than you? (I don’t actually know or see them, though.)
Would you say “I’m so angry!” and be jealous,
or would you use your frustration as a springboard to improve your learning ability by saying “I have to be more capable too”?

I think that’s the mentality I have now.
