Married Life


I know that many people have problems in their marriages, and I understand very well that I had my fair share of conflicts in the beginning and that it is hard to live together with others.

I’ve been asked about a dozen times by people who complain about their marriages and relationships with their partners, “How is your marriage going?

The answer is “so-so. I get asked by the same people if it bothers me that much.

There are many reasons why it is working.

It could be family background, it could be a predetermined fate, and no matter how you ask, it’s not “It’s better this way~”.

But I don’t know what the future holds for me either, even if it’s good now.

It’s your issue, so asking about other people’s marriages won’t change anything in particular.

Well, for one thing, it is important to pretend to be insensitive. (←I am almost always insensitive!) The other thing is that you have to spend your time thinking about the other person instead of living your life centered on yourself. If we both do this, I think we will remain good friends.

That is not to say that marriage is everything.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.



Now, on to the topic at hand… How long have you been watching me lately…? I’ve been counting with my fingers. I have the impression that the number has increased again….

So, it is difficult to thank each of you one by one, so I would like to thank you here.

I am not able to be as friendly as you are, and I am browsing the net while doing other things, so I am not aware of it and often notice it later…….

、ン、)_ This is how I see it. ・・・・



