On today’s world where more and more transgender people and people who don’t work


※In some countries and regions, there are women working, but that is the culture and the way it is established, so I will skip that part.

How the transgender community learns from a polarized world

We talk about diversity diversity nowadays, and to be frank, most of it is degeneration. I think it’s degeneracy.

We live our lives divided into male and female genders, but most of us don’t know anything about the soul. We tend to judge everything by instinct and gender. For those who don’t try to know or believe in reincarnation, they don’t even try to understand it.


We have long ago had the experience of being born male and female. The soul is divided into masculine and feminine depending on which of these we have experienced more.

After all, everywhere they say, “Men are supposed to work.The rationale for this is that masculinity is naturally predisposed to 「protect the weak」.Femininity is about empathy, support, and cooperation. However, when the masculine nature becomes more independent, it becomes selfish, and the feminine nature has the disadvantage of being prone to self-sacrifice.

On the physical side, women have menstrual periods and are not as strong as men. However, when they become mothers, they tend to become strong, which is, so to speak, an attachment.

Attachment has a bad image, but it is impossible to raise a child without a little bit of attachment.

Enlightenment is a state in which there is no attachment, but you can’t reach that point until you’ve experienced everything. Well, it’s not easy to reach that point unless you take a long, long view.

After all, women are great. To put it bluntly.

Because we are all born of”women“. We are all born from “women. It is the role of men to protect those women.(Everything is a balance, so it’s okay if the man stays home as long as both parties are satisfied with each other’s lives.)And yet, there is no end to those who abuse the weak. How many men would lay a hand on a child or a woman?

Of course there are women, but overwhelmingly there are men.

If you are born only as a man, you will not be able to acquire empathy unique to women, so you will be born as a woman, and if you are born only as a woman, you will not know the hardships of men, so you will be born as a man.

If we were born with such a good balance, we would not have such troubles, but after all, human beings are greedy and stupid creatures, so we end up with stupid self-proclaimed transgender people who dress up as women in men’s bodies and scream for “approval” to take women’s baths.

To be clear, this kind of thing is lacking as a human being before gender.

There are proper transgender people, but I personally think that they were born as a degenerate to the fact that there are still these monkey-intelligent self-proclaimed transgender people out there.

And about the increase in the number of freelancers and unemployed

It is not that not working is not good in itself.

But too sick and afraid to go out into the world, is that more and more people have stopped going out into the world.It would be nice if we had the feeling of being able to live even if our parents died, but for most of us that is impossible.

As I mentioned earlier, by nature, men are creatures who work for their families. However, in the past, there were many political marriages, and families were naturally formed, but nowadays such marriages are few and far between, and people are free to fall in love on their own and marry as an extension of that love.

Marriage is originally the maintenance of the family line. It is not love.(It is up to them to create love.)

This means that more men have become reluctant to show their strength.

I think it is also regression that the number of single people has increased and working itself has become unbearable. On the other hand, I have the impression that the number of solid women has increased.

Well, I can’t help it. I’m not saying marriage is everything because it is a personal choice, but those who are now in their 30s and 40s and not working or mentally ill have a somewhat distorted or crooked way of thinking.

So they have “toxic parents,” or they are “bullies,” or they are still dragging around traumas from decades ago. People who are taken care of by their parents lack gratitude, or on the contrary, they resent their parents and don’t want to move on.

素晴らしすぎて拍手・・・。 (๑´ω`ノノ゙ (๑´ω`ノノ゙ (๑´ω`ノノ゙ これがベテラン地球人さんの意見であり、宇宙魂さんとはどういうものなのか凝縮に込められている内容だと思います。 ((*_ _))ペコリ 天使くん 編集、お疲れ

(↑That kind of help is available. But only for those who can face themselves properly. I mean, how important is the existence of money?)

I think this is inevitable and it seems that more and more young people are dying alone. The government does not provide any support for them either. The world is in turmoil today.

The good thing about humans is that we have patience. Even if the world were to go back to the wild, we would still have to hunt for food, and thanks to creative women, we could create and produce something. But right now, that balance has been greatly disturbed.

Now even that patience is being lost, and thanks to ease and comfort – to escape the hard things – they don’t act or say anything, so the government raises taxes and the poor suffer even more.

These men grew up with weak hearts.

They are in such an environment on social media, but always deny anything with their mouths. Well, I can’t help it. I would say, “Why don’t you take care of yourself instead of others?

It seems that most of the middle-aged people who slander the company are unemployed, on welfare, or mentally ill. So they have no ability to pay, so they pay a small amount or step down when they are sued. Isn’t it hell? They have nothing to do, so they have no choice but to do such things in their lives. The background of this seems to come from a strong sense of loneliness, and I think there is also a desire for someone else to do something for them, even though they can’t do it themselves.

They are unhappy because they have invited unhappiness into their lives.

To put it simply, they are physically men, but they are not men. But they are not half women either. Even if they were to be reborn as women, wouldn’t they suffer from deterioration?

Seriously, there are quite a few people who are so depraved that they would have to be reborn hundreds of times to change.

It’s not that I’m great because I work and not good because I don’t work, it’s that there is a problem with that mind that is degenerate. Human beings are supposed to cooperate with each other.

I think it’s hard to be a woman, a living thing. (Oh, me too?)

What if my son becomes a shut-in? What if my partner becomes a moral harasser? Too many men don’t value women. Men who approach women without permission and throw tantrums and lash out when they reject them.

It is really hard to live, and I wonder what will happen to the world in the future. This is what I was vaguely thinking about.


あまりLGBTについて関与しないんですが、私の同僚の一人がまぁ【G】の方でして。 それまで性同一性障害の人と関わるってなかったんですね。しかしその同僚とは最初はまぁ衝突しました。私も私で最初は猫かぶっていたとこもあって癪に障ることがあったん
