メモ Notes & Memos I'm posting this because what I wrote down at the time is “very deep” after checking it again.Gynecological DiseasesThe ... 2025.03.18 メモ哲学的な
記録 What is a Lightworker? I'll leave it as a record. (*Words from a certain psychic appraiser)People who have a mission to contribute to the benef... 2025.02.27 記録
スピリチュアル What is Star People? This is from the blog of a psychic appraiser. (It is not available now.) Believe it ornot, it's up to you.I heard that t... 2025.02.03 スピリチュアル記録
哲学的な Mythology & Psychology Greek mythology is no moral or ethical shit, and I'm rambling on about the psychology from there.Mr. Nagoshi, a psychiat... 2024.11.30 哲学的な雑談
メモ twin frame I suddenly searched for “what's a twin flame?” I searched for it, but I coughed up a lot of information when I looked at... 2024.11.12 メモ記録
スピリチュアル Patronuses are not perfect All of us have some guardian spirits and guardian deities (at least one) in every person. There are also guides.The numb... 2024.10.26 スピリチュアル精神世界
メモ Dependence and self-sacrifice This is from the words of a certain psychic (not the person who gave me the reading),but dependence depends on your pers... 2024.10.01 メモ未分類精神世界
日常 I wonder what it feels like to have a low frequency. The frequency is set for each person, and it's not a matter of raising it higher.What's important is that it doesn't fal... 2024.09.27 日常
雑談 “Misfortune is what makes you grow.” This is a line from a manga I happened to see. How did you feel when you heard the words in the title?Most of the time, ... 2024.09.27 雑談