This is from the blog of a psychic appraiser. (It is not available now.) Believe it or
not, it’s up to you.
I heard that there is really no such thing as a star seed, so it is better to call them “Star People” – or something like that.
Role of Galactic Star People
★Lyra and Altair type
The average number of reincarnations is about 82,000.
The percentage is about 2% of all Star People.
The Lyra and Altair clusters are the oldest planetary clusters in the galaxy in terms of time span, so their wisdom is deep with a high number of reincarnations.
The dimension in which their souls are located is the 8th or 9th dimension. All of the souls of the Lyra and Altair clusters (which are extremely few in number) who have come to earth have a mission to work as psychics, exorcists, mediums, psychic mediums, shamans, and so on.

★Sirius (star in the constellation Canis Major)
The average number of reincarnations is about 76,000.
The percentage is about 78% for all Star People.
Sirius is the greenest planet in terms of distance from the people of Earth, and Earth’s culture and technology are very often influenced by Sirius. Therefore, they are incarnated on Earth.
A very large percentage of Star People are Siriusians.
Their fields of activity are very wide, but they excel in cutting-edge science and technology, medicine (healing), the arts, and education.
The dimension where their souls are located is the 7th dimension.

★Arcturus (star in the constellation Bootes)
The average number of reincarnations is about 81,000.
The percentage is about 6% of all Star People.
Arcturians are excellent healers by nature. While Sirians specialize in physical healing, Arcturians specialize in spiritual healing. Their mission is also specialized in spiritual healing for the people of Earth.
Many of them pursue careers in medicine and the arts.
Arcturus sometimes perform walk-ins, a soul-swapping phenomenon, for people of Earth (with permission, of course), and about 82% of all Arcturians perform walk-ins for people of Earth.
The dimension where the soul is located is the 7th dimension.

★Pleiades system
The average number of reincarnations is about 63,000.
The percentage is about 4% of all Star People.
The Pleiades star cluster was the most recent star cluster outside of Earth in terms of the galactic time line. The Pleiades, along with Altair and Sirius, were among the wisest and most thoughtful cosmic people, and they excel in the medical (healing), artistic, and educational fields.
The dimension where their souls are located is the 7th dimension.

The percentage of star people who are aware of their mission is very low. What happens when they are not aware of their mission and do not carry it out is that the so-called dark night of the soul will surely come.