In the midst of difficulty, there is opportunity


Good and bad things will always come back to you.

Even if you are being unreasonable, even if you think, “It’s not my fault” and try to fight back, it will also come back to you.

Life is a constant test of our ability to experience various things, and if we do not live responsibly because it is our own life, we tend to blame someone else when something happens. Especially if you are mentally weak. Of course, a strong person can live better than a weak person.

But if you live arrogantly because you are strong, you will eventually choke yourself.

There is no right answer, and if you feel that this is the “right” choice for you, you should make that choice. How we live our lives by how we think and perceive ourselves as human beings.

It is natural to hate the people who have driven you down or hurt you.

But how to sublimate that hatred is important not to involve those around you, but after all, you will feel better if you let it out.

On the other hand, even if someone else says, “Forget it, it’s useless to deal with such a person,” it is easy to get trapped in a vicious cycle if you cannot sort out your feelings.

It is good to give it time and gradually let it out until you are no longer angry. You don’t have to force yourself to forgive what you don’t forgive.

If the unreasonableness is something that you really think is impossible for a human being, you can act on it.


And well, these things depends on the person, but people who take responsibility for their own lives are more likely to open the way. So, if you’re inexperienced, it’s better not to do it back down the road.


No matter what adversity or misfortune we may face, we must never lose hope. For there is no night when morning does not come.

Eiji Yoshikawa

I am the one who sets the limits, and I am the one who believes in the possibilities.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you think you can, you can; if you think you can’t, you can’t. This is an unwavering and absolute law.

Pablo Picasso

When we think about what we live for, I think we live to overcome hardships. You can’t live your life doing nothing.

Fujiko Hemming

I am not that smart. I just have been with one thing longer than others.

Albert Einstein

